Baptism Guidelines The following documents must be submitted before a baptism is scheduled:
A certificate of birth from the state or the letter from the hospital that declares paternity on the part of the mother and father.
A completed baptismal application.
Parent testimonial form completed and signed by the parents.
Godparent testimonial forms completed and signed by the Godparents. (2 Godparents may be selected, one male and one female; however only 1 is required. Godparents must be at least 16 years old, Baptized Catholic, Confirmed, not living together without marriage and if married, must be recognized as valid by the Catholic Church.
Certificate of completion of baptismal seminar for both parents and godparents.
A $50.00 baptismal preparation fee.
Baptismal Seminars All parents and godparents must attend a baptismal seminar before a baptism can be scheduled. The seminars are held on the second and fourth Thursdays of every month in the OLPS Parish Center at 6:00 p.m. If unable to attend on those dates, a seminar is available online at An additional fee will be collected for this online. Seminars may also be attended at another Catholic Parish if the godparent resides out of town. You must submit the certificate of completion. If a parent or godparent has attended a previous seminar, you must provide a certificate of attendance or attend a new seminar. Please call the parish office to reserve your spot in our seminar. Godparents Parents are invited to select 2 Godparents, one male and one female; although only one is required. Godparents are selected to walk with the child throughout their life in Christ and the Church. Because this is a sacred duty and calling, in addition to attending a baptismal seminar there are requirements that all Godparents must meet to serve in this capacity. The requirements are listed on the Godparent Testimonial form. Please do not ask a person to serve as Godparent if they do not meet the criteria listed. If you are unable to select a Godparent that meets the criteria, please contact the church office. If you would like to have a person serve that was not Baptized Catholic butBaptized in another Christian faith, they may be listed as a Christian witness; however, one Godparent is still required. Baptisms Baptisms are held on the first and third Sundays of each month following the 10:30 a.m. mass and during or following the 1:00 p.m. mass (Spanish). If the seminars are attended in English, the baptism will be in English. If the seminars are attended in Spanish, the Baptism will be in Spanish. The family is asked to attend the entire mass on the day of the baptism. You must schedule your baptism date with the rectory at least two weeks before the baptism will occur. No Baptism may be scheduled until all documents are received. Please call the rectory, @ 504-271-3441 between 9 a.m. and 4p.m. for more information.