The attitude that Altar Society members bring to their work is all-important. With sincere
devotion of mind and body, they should strive to make their service an acceptable offering
to our Lord. Altar Society members will not need praises for their work nor be depressed by
correction and guidance, but will make their Christian witness with quiet rejoicing. Altar
Society members make their work a sacred duty, and their acceptance of the priest’s
invitation is the indication of their willingness to work under the priest’s directions and
guidance. All suggestions and ideas are properly directed to the priest for his consideration,
acceptance, or rejection. It is the priest’s responsibility to make final decisions.
Attitude of Members on Duty
Take the work as coming from the Lord. Offer it to Him. Do it for Him. Leave it with Him.
Kneel for a few moments of silent prayer. “This work is for God’s house. May I do it
worthily?” Genuflect any time you cross in front of the Tabernacle, enter or leave the altar
All work about the altar should take place after the Mass. If the priest vests in
the sacristy see that he has privacy before and after the service in which to collect his
thoughts and say his prayers. There should be no sign of confusion or hurry in an act of
The Altar Society Coordinator should be sure all members understand their duties and the
exact time the work is to be done. No member should fail to do his/her assigned duty.
When a worker is unable to serve, she or he should arrange for another member to be their
substitute and be sure to notify the team captain and the Altar Society Coordinator. All
members should be loyal to the Altar Society ministry, the rector, the parish, and the church.
They should cooperate at all times, remembering that their service is to God.
With the help of the priest, the Altar Society Coordinator should put into writing the duties
to be performed by the members.
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